Our Services

With Traditional Chinese Medicine being the foundation of our centre, we offer a range of holistic healthcare services across the Great Southern region including, Acupuncture, Structural Bodywork, Herbal & Integrative Health Consultations, EE System Sessions, Reflexology and more.


  • Chinese massage, cupping, moxibustion, herbal formulas, and nutritional and lifestyle advice can also be offered.

    Health fund rebates are available for acupuncture.

    Recommended for Treating:

    -Painful conditions such as headaches and migraines.

    -Musculoskeletal conditions such as lower back pain, tennis elbow, and fibromyalgia.

    -Gynaecological conditions such as painful menstruation, irregular periods, wanting to come off contraception, and menopause symptoms.

    -Gastrointestinal conditions such as IBS, constipation, diarrhoea, and loss of appetite.

    -Ear Nose and Throat - Sinusitis, tonsillitis, sore throat, and reoccurring sore throat and head cold.

    -Urogential disorders - Urinary tract infections and prostatitis.

    -Psycho-emotional - such as anxiety, stress, irregular sleep, and fatigue.

    -Immune - both auto immune and general immune such as thyroid imbalances, fatigue, reoccurring colds and flu.

The Energy Enhancement System (EE System)

  • This technology, developed over 20 years by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, Ph.D, DNM, DCSJl, uses custom-installed computers to generate morphogenic energy fields that can promote healing.

    Recommended for Treating:

    -Immune function



    -Energy levels

Structural Bodywork

  • Chinese massage can also be utilised for pain reduction, abdominal issues and energy blockages.

    Recommended for Treating:

    -Postural patterns

    -Movement dysfunctions

    -Chronic pain


    -Energy levels

Qi Gong

  • Qigong is one of the four branches within the System of TCM. Medical qigong Therapy is for personal healing and transformation. Preliminary research on qigong shows that it may help improve many conditions including:

    -Elevating Mood and Improving Relaxation

    -Alleviating Depression

    -Reducing Anxiety

    -Stress Management

    -Improving Cognitive functioning

    -Improving Attention

    -Increasing Memory

    -Reducing Inflammation

    -Pain Management

    -Reducing Headaches

    -Improving Lung function

    -Increasing Bone density

    -Reducing Blood pressure

    -Improving Heart Health

    -Overcoming Substance use

    -Improving Quality of Life       

    -Strengthening and Balancing    


Herbal Consultation

  • As your health improves, the Chinese herbal formula is adjusted and modified until the desired health outcome is achieved.

    Recommended for treating:

    -Gastrointestinal conditions

    -Gynaelogical conditions

    -Ear, nose and throat conditions





    -Immune related conditions

    -Cancer treatment related sympotoms

Integrative Health Consultation

  • In our Integrative Medicine sessions we can provide support in areas of Gut health, Immune Health, Menstrual related imbalances, Stress, anxiety, allergies and Heavy metals and mineral imbalances. If you have done a HTMA test, we are also very open to being able to provide a space for you to discuss what is really going on in your health and wellbeing so we can discus a health plan with you and include other practitioners if necessary for your health journey.

  • Art of the Creator through the PERSON of awareness and Compassion

    Jin = person of awareness and compassion Shin = creator Jyutsu = art

    Jin Shin Jyutsu® is a practice that helps to harmonise and balance the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of human beings. This practice involves sequences of light touch on specific areas of the body – restoring the harmonious flow of life energy. Jin Shin Jyutsu also awakens our consciousness and revitalises the life force's natural ability to homeostasis, activating the regenerative response inherent in a healthy body. Regular practice of Jin Shin Jyutsu increases vitality, well-being, inner balance and harmony.

    Because it is an integrative practice that involves self-care, regular practice of Jin Shin Jyutsu can be harmonious and complementary to conventional medical care. Supporting processes to restore mental, emotional and physical well-being and awaken awareness of body, mind, life and reality.

    Rediscovered by Jiro Murai in Japan in the early 20th century, this ancient wisdom shares roots with Traditional Asian Medicine.


Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)

  • HTMA is a safe and non-invasive pathology test which measures the level of nutrients and toxic elements in body tissue. It is one of the most valuable screening tools available for everyday and preventative health care.

The Emotion Code

  • The Emotion Code uses specific questioning and muscle testing to find and remove emotions trapped in the body. It is a simple way to rid yourself of emotional baggage. Created by Dr Bradley Nelson after more than 20 years as a holistic chiropractor and teacher, the Emotion Code is designed to help you alleviate physical discomfort, ease emotional wounds and restore love to relationships.

Detox Protocol Consultation

  • The general detox protocol is highly effective in boosting and supporting immunity by clearing toxic elements from your system. Developed by internationally renowned homeopaths and nutritional health experts, the protocol is a way to help ensure your body's immune system has all the essential minerals, trace element nutrients, amino acids and powerful antioxidants it needs.

Negative Ion Generator Body Charger

  • The CGAM Negative Ion Generator Body Charger charges the body with trillions of negatively charged ions in the form of static electricity. Settings for the body charger will be adjusted at intervals during your appointment according to your presenting condition and/or your treatment outcome.

    This service is also available in combination with either acupuncture or the Emotion Code.

Schedule an Appointment

Schedule an appointment today for one of our holistic healthcare services.