Our Practitioners

Principal Practitioner

Tiffany Forster brings a wealth of knowledge, heart and experience to clients who find their way to the Great Southern Holisitc Health Centre. With a foundation of Traditional Chinese Medicine, that she began studying in Melbourne from 19 years of age with the infamous Professor Wong, Tiffany has incorporated the medicine into her way of life and therefore lives it daily. Tiffany has travelled extensively, weaving together experiences from different clinics around the world, into her ability to draw what is necessary for each individual. Her passion is to walk beside each person on their individual healing journeys. She continues to study and apply her newly acquired skills and also continues to dive deeply into her own journey of transformation and increased awareness. Tiffany is a General Practitioner, specialising in Emotional Wellbeing at the forefront of healing the physical manifestation of disharmonies within the body.

Tiffany Forster

  • Acupuncture


    Gua Sha


    Chinese Herbal Medicine

    Integrative Chinese Medicine consultations (online and in person)

Principal Practitioner

Dean Leslie is a multifaceted practitioner with a variety of skills that he has acquired from his extensive travels, teaching at various levels in several countries, clinical experience as a Registered Nurse in a variety of settings and as a Holistic Health Practitioner with a foundation in Oriental Medicine. Dean is passionate about incorporating the depths of traditional healing practices and medicines with the innovative technologies that are now becoming available. Embracing his passion the motto of Great Southern Holsitic Health Centre was born: "Advanced Science meets Ancient Wisdom." Dean loves joining forces with his clients to embrace their journey of empowered healing. He uses a range of techniques to achieve this including Structural Bodywork, Emotional Clearing, Oriental Medicine and Biomedicines. Dean continues his journey of study, research and self development to bring to his clients and colleagues the wealth of his being and dedication to his life's purpose.

Dean Leslie

  • Oriental Medicine

    Qi Gong Therapy

    Jin Shin Jyutsu

    Herbal Medicine

    Structural Integrative Bodywork

    Needling Therapy

    Intravenous and Nutritional Therapies

    Integrative Health Consultations (online or in person)

    Emotional Restriction Clearing

    Individually Tailored Detoxification Programmes