Great Southern Holistic Health Centre

Welcome to the portal of our healing centre. All of us at the Great Southern Holistic Health Centre are deeply committed to your journey of healing on all levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. We look forward to sharing this with you.

We have a committed team of practitioners working across the Albany, Denmark region who uphold the integrity of this journey. Traditional Chinese Medicine is the foundation of our centre, it is an ever growing, moving and living system that embraces our ethos. By creating a supportive foundation its roots enable us to penetrate the depths and, opening heavenward, its branches assist us in allowing for change and nourish our beings with a dynamic and cosmic awareness.

We look forward to being part of your journey.

Our Services:

  • Acupuncture is a complete medical protocol focussed on correcting imbalances within the emotional body, the physical body and the mind. The practitioner inserts thin, single-use needles into the skin along specific pathways and points to manipulate the flow of Qi, blood and nerve impulses. Schedule an Appointment.

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an ancient living medicine – bringing together thousands of years of knowledge as it has passed through ever evolving systems. We draw on a vast array of traditional Chinese herbs to support our clients, and love that TCM is not exclusive and can be used alongside other treatments. Schedule an Appointment.

  • Structural Bodywork helps to improve posture, energy levels and flexibility. Dean works on lengthening and repositioning the fascia allowing your muscles to move more efficiently and bring your body into balance. Chinese massage can also be utilised for pain reduction, abdominal issues and energy blockages. Schedule an Appointment.

  • This technology, developed over 20 years by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, Ph.D, DNM, DCSJl, uses custom-installed computers to generate morphogenic energy fields that can promote healing. The EE System generates multiple bio-active life enhancing fields, including “Scalar Waves” which allow for cell regeneration, and has assisted individuals with improved immune function, relief from pain, promoting detoxification, assisting in elevating moods, balancing the right and left hemispheres of the brain and increasing overall energy levels. Schedule an Appointment.

Latest News: Introducing the EE System

We are very excited to announce and introduce the long awaited Quantum Scalar wave technology to the Great Southern region – the Enhanced Energy System.

We have just opened the Quantum Scalar Lounge! It is switched on and beaming powerful healing frequencies for all who wish to experience it at our new centre in Elleker. Online bookings for the EE System are now available.

We are a dedicated and passionate team of qualified Acupuncturists, Chinese Herbalists, and Bodyworkers.

Led by Tiffany Forster and Dean Leslie, Great Southern Holistic Health is run by a friendly team of alternative healthcare practitioners.

We work in collaboration with our patients by carefully tailoring treatments to the individual.

Great Southern Holistic Health

Schedule your appointment online

We are available for in-clinic appointments throughout the week. Herbal Consultations and Integrative Health Consultations are offered as online appointments. We have locations in Albany, Denmark, and Elleker. See All Locations.